It is true, during the time which still popular ( especially among student - pen) is Test of Of English ace of Foreign Language ( TOEFL). More than anything else in ITS, tes which have been recognized by this represent wrongly ' bogey' to all graduation candidate. Enunciated, specified by standard is ITS, most assumed is ' fair to middling' high that is 450. Walhasil, this absolute condition even also fulfilled to student which wish is immediately graduated.
Earn just value 450 have thanked goodness," statement which have been heard from a student of ITS. [Do] not be denied it is true, but as far as this assessment to TOEFL .
What need to be seen by is positive impact of him. In fact this is tes very useful, the core important to all grad which wish to work in company. Because, in this time most of all company install TOEFL standart as especial condition fill vacancy which they install. TOEFL have become a[n requirement. So that, to graduation of ITS which apply for busy unnecessary again for tes ( with the company note do not claim tes repeat – pen).
But, there are some matter which need to be underlined. One of them is standard assessment of used TOEFL the each unegual place. So that, cannot be made by especial directive to equalize TOEFL the A with the B. Because, it is possible that ability of is same them, just only is of storey;level assessment of region of tes one otherly differ.
TOEFL represent abbreviation of Test of Of English ace of a Foreign Language. TOEFL is standardization ability of Ianguage of inggris someone in writing ( jure de) covering four domination aspect: Listening, Writing and of Reading.
System assessment of TOEFL use conversion from each;every real correct answer. Value of TOEFL highest which can reach by someone is 675.
Target of Test of TOEFL
TOEFL have two target of public that is: Academic and of General. In the form of is same, sertifikasi recommend TOEFL can use to be mentioned both the things.
Academic is to use test for the purpose of education, research or related to academic activity beyond the sea, and or in Indonesia. To be is postdoctoral, usually minimum value is 550. while for S1 is.
General is in general used by for the purpose of work, job/activity duty or promotion. Many company which installing Ianguage standard of inggris its employees seen value of TOEFL - its. Generally, assess minimum TOEFL is 500 for the promotion of standard.
As long as which I meet, gyration assess TOEFL flatten - flatten people of indonesia with minimum education ladder of S1 very fluktuatif. May even exist some that do not know what and to what end TOEFL ( they read with : " tufl"). Do not that way with all taker of Ianguage majors of inggris during kuliah. Minimum of soybean cake them, what is TOEFL. Still, assess TOEFL a Ianguage majors grad or student of inggris even if do not guarantee highly. At several times recruiment case, I discover some applicant get value of TOEFL 300, though in its of him, pertinent is collegiate a ABA ( Foreign Academy Ianguage).
While in general, fluctuation assess TOEFL flatten - flatten him range from 300 until 600.
Do value of TOEFL someone guarantee ability of Ianguage of inggris someone?
Generally, people comprehend that Ianguage of inggris is speaking, conversation, charge of cis cus and so on. Ianguage of Inggris cover 4 especial skill that is: Listening ( digestive of word through] hearing), Writing ( digestive of word through article and structure its), reading ( digestive of meaning a Ianguage text) and Speaking ( can say it).
Converse about domination of Ianguage, hence cannot be discharged from domination four mentioned skill, perfectly. But, a lot of opinion, important is ability say it, even with structure which is the full (of) patch up word choice and tolerance and come from to meet.
The example:
John : Would You hospital the to me drive?
Us : Better Go now….
Of discussion meaning, the utterance have congeniality. But us also know, quality of someone known from its way converse, particularly usage of its diction ( word choice).
Congeniality of Tes TOEIC
Tes TOEIC ( Test English International Communication for of) is English-speaking membership tes for its people who of him is not Ianguage of Ingris. Tes TOEIC can measure English-speaking ability for laboring individual in international environment in all day long its. Its values show how well one can communicate in English with other individual in have business, industry and commerce. This Ts do not need special knowledge or term which is not public ang used by its everyday activity insider.
Format of Tes TOEIC
Tes TOEIC is double helix tes that goes on during 2 (2 hour) which consist of 20 divided question become 2 (session two) :
• Session Listen: session listen to test how well You earn to comprehend discussion in English. This Session consist of 4 shares and contain 00 turned around question at a or cassette of CD. You'D be asked to answer question pursuant to at all kinds of question, dialogued to shorten and conversation of singakt which is recorded in English. Total of time : 45 minute.
• Session Read : in this session there are 3 part of which testing how well You earn to comprehend reading in English. You'D read assortedly of items and do arrangement of time personally in replying 100 question problem pursuant to content of reserved for by items is You. Totalize time: 75 minute.
You'D answer question of this tes with craa blacken one of the letter ( A), ( B), ( C), and ( D) with pencil at separate answer sheet. Although time which is available to be estimated by during 2 (2 hour), additional time is (it) is true needed to to finish questionnaire of biodata participant in answer sheet. Hence, you have to prepare about 2,5 hour to follow this tes.
Whosoever following TOEIC tes
• Employees or of staff using English in so many environment work sepert, business, hotel, hospital, restaurant, international meeting, konferens, and athletic program.
• Management staff, sales, and technics shares employees in international business, industry and commerce requiring English in work of them.
• All candidate participant of training to be done in English.
• All individual which is program training of English.
Why follow Tes TOEIC
Tes TOEIC is choice to more than 5 (five) million participant of tes every year and confessed by thousands of body of hokum international. As a objective and accurate measuring instrument in measuring English-speaking ability. This Tes TOEIC of Your memungknkan to
• Proving storey;level ability of You which in fact in is English-speaking
• Fulfilling conditions of new position and or promotion in company
• Coherent / evidence of storey;level of professional your
• Monitoring growth of You in is English-speaking
• Arranging target learn You
• Entangling perushaan in moving forward ability of English of An
Theory of TOEIC
Theory of TOEIC
TOEIC ( Test English International Communication for of) is tes deftness of English to its original Ianguage people who non English. Score of Tes TOEIC show how well people can communicate in English with others at global activity environment. The Tes do not need or knowledge of kosakata special, this tes only measuring English type weared in everyday activity.
Tes TOEIC [is] notable English-speaking deftness tes in world at environmental context of global activity. More than 4.000 company in all the world wear TOEIC tes, and more than 2 million people enlist to utilize to take this tes every year.
Format of Tes TOEIC
Tes TOEIC is double helix tes, what consist of 200 divided question into two part of separate time during two hour.
Shares - Part Of Problem of Tes TOEIC
Understanding Hear ( listening)
This shares consist of 100 question and divided into four shares. Participant of tes hear record about statement, question, short conversation, and brief clarification, later;then reply questions pursuant to at segments hear. Overall Of Part of Understanding of Hearing require about 45 minute. In this shares divided four part that is part one Photographs which consist of twenty problem with four choice answer. Part that is Questions Response and consist of three problem puluh and three answer choice. Part three that is Short Conversations consist of three problem puluh and four answer choice, and part four Short Talks consist of twenty problem and four answer choice.
Part of reading consist of 100 question which is presented in format written by at book of tes. Participant read assortedly of materials and questions pursuant to speed of themselves matching with itself reading materials. Overall of part of reading need 75 minute. This shares consist of 3 shares, continuation from part of understanding hear. Part five Incomplete Sentences consist of 40 problem and four answer choice. Part six that is Error Recognition consist of twenty problem and four answer choice. Part seven that is Reading Comprehension consist of fourty problem and four answer choice
Participant question by marking one of the letter ( A), ( B), ( C), ( D) with pencil at separate answer dale. Though time of testing which in fact is about two additional time which needed by participant utilize to finish question of biography at answer sheet and of merespon brief questionnaire about their history and education.
Content of Tes TOEIC
Tes TOEIC designed to fulfill requirement of world. Questions of tes developed from oral language example ofs and written by which is collected from various state in all the world, where English Used in workplace. Questions of tes comprise many situation that and atmosphere differ, like General business ( contract, consultation, marketing, sale, business plan, conference), Manufacturing ( factory management, assembling lini, operation of quality), And budgeting Finance ( banking, cultivation of capital, taxation, akunting, addiction), Development Corporate ( research, product development.) Offices ( meeting board, correspondences, memo, telefon, faks, and messages of e-mail, equipments and housewares of office, white colars procedure), Personnel ( acceptance, employing, pension, salary, promotion, advertisement), Purchasing ( expenditure, ordering, delivery, cancellation), Areas Technical ( electronic, technological, specification, rent and youth, electrics service and gas), Travel ( train, plane, cab, bus, ship, ferry, ticket, schedule, announcement of airfield and station, rent of car, hotel, reservasi, postponement and delay), Out Dining ( business lunch and is informal, reception, restaurant reservasi). Entertainment ( cinema, theater, music, artistic, media), Health ( health insurance, visiting doctor, dentist, clinic, hospital).
Though Ianguage of atmospheres above context mengetengahkan questions of test, participant do not be obliged to know business kosakata and special technique. Test of TOEIC compatible used [by] [in] all environment, where English used by original penutur of other Ianguages.
History of Tes TOEIC
ETS ( Educational Test Service) a organization dedicating x'self to measurement of research and edukasional in policy of and education of psychometrics, design and create TOIC tes in the year 1979 pursuant to request of leaders of Japan business. During through years, TOEIC tes adopted by many other state and swiftly become global standard to determination of English-speaking ability at context related to job.
The Chauncey Group International Ltd., a subsidiary of ETS, developing and publishing TOEIC tes. The Chauncey Group International is a company of testing majoring x'self at professional of licensing and exams of sertification progress and skill at work. Station of The Chauncey Group International located in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, European office of him ( Chauncey Group Europe SA) residing in Paris, Prancis.
And then, What is TOIEC
Therefore, now expand discourse about TOEIC using compatibility of international standard. If beyond the sea, TOIEC have very popular. Its proof, of existing data, in the reality this tes have been used by 10.000 company in world. Possible, it is possible that because besides have international standard to, also TOEIC which have there is since 1979. So that, its it higher even also compared to TOEFL tes
Even, according to news, The State ' neighbour' Malaysia oblige its grad have to TOEIC score first. other State Asia which also use this tes that is Korea. Of existing data noted by 49 %of student and also worker equal to 24 % wearing it. But, differing from Japan, TOEIC weared flattened at all of circle. It is true inveterate very to nations go forward if storey;level ability of its higher resident English.
The Difference between TOEFL and TOIEC
There are some difference, TOEIC and of TOEFL. In the case of target, TOEFL weared by for the sake of is academic. While TOEIC used to look for [job/activity], business, and communications. Become, TOEIC Ace of a skill life, more to application, because every day practiced is
Last, in comparison of assessment result even also differ. For TOEFL, more to value to be individual and just institution. While TOEIC, besides for individual score also useful in certificate, report benchmarking and analysis. Other difference seen in type of tes. Because, in tested TOIEC only just and listening of reading. Differ from TOEFL which also figure in speaking tes and of writing.
But, Which One
However, if seen from requirement side and age, will be able to be selected by which must is it used. just For example is of student more is needing of TOEFL compared to TOIEC. This because in their subject still included writing. But, out of it, ought to in TOIEC also there is practice for writing. Because, any way this ability is also required by in world.
Besides, because TOIEC use international standard, just fair possible if its costly test price. People say, once tes need fund 400 thousand per people. This price can be told high enough for the circle of society, and surely for student. Everybody do not can fulfill. Differ from TOEFL which is is ' fair to middling' reached, enough by 30 just thousand is, tes have earned to be. This become an other consideration to play around with two type test this. Become, corresponding to content 'doku'-lah.
When in Public square of Depdiknas carried out " Indonesia of Job Matching Expo Vocational Schools Graduates Student for" on 10-11 December 2007 hence over there do not less than 50 company have offered 7000 vacancy. withdrawing from that even, most that company require ownership of certificate of TOEIC to applicant which will apply for.
Is that TOEIC? And what is the difference also with TOEFL
TOEFL, GRE, SAT and of TOEIC represent products of tes ETS ( Educational Testing Service) which centering in ACE and have operated more than 40 year.
During the time product test ability of English of most popular ETS in Indonesia TOEFL ( Test English Ace of of Foreign Language). But, the TOEFL tes in fact designed for academic namely just for who wishing continue study to ACE and North America. During the time, company circle in Indonesia even also follow to install score of TOEFL as conditions of employees rekrutmen.
Therefore, later;then happened tren of companys meaning to recruit employees to change over to TOEIC ( Test English International Communication for of). TOEIC have been carried out by ETS during 25 year in all the world " In Indonesia TOEIC tes start to be introduced in the year 1999," word of Julivan E. Rondonuwu of PT International Test Center, delegation of ETS in Indonesia.
TOEIC represent English-speaking membership tes for the people who of its mother tongue non English. Tes TOEIC can measure English-speaking ability for laboring individual international environment in all day long.
Its values show how well one can communicate in English with other individual in industry and berbisnis,perdagangan. This Tes do not need special knowledge or term which is not such as those which.