Reflection of Life

Reflection of Life

Once upon a time, there was a mystical place deep in the words known as the castle of one-thousand reflection.
A pleasant and happy young man was told about this place and decided to pay a visit to this castle. After travelling for many days, he arrived at his destination. Upon seeing the castle, he said to himself, “What a beautiful place!”
He peeped into the hall to check if there was anyone there. He tock off his baseball cap and scratched his head wondering why nobody was around in such a beautiful castle.
As he walked futher, he was extremely surprised to see one-thousand young men talking off their caps, waving and smiling at him. He did not know thw walls in the hall were covered with one-thousand mirrors. He was very happy with his new discovery and thought to himself, “This is awonderful place. I will come back again.”
Soon, news about this wonderful place spread. There was another young man who was unhappy with life and wanted to visit the castle to find happiness.
After many hard days of traveling, he finally arrived and grumbled at the mystical castle. He said to himself, “What a horrible place!” As he walked into the room of one-thousand mirrors, he saw one-thousand sad and unfriendly-looking young men, staring angrily at him and appearing as hostile as him. Not only was he angry but he was also terrified of the images. He thought to himself, “What a terrible place with so many angry aggressive faces. I swear I will never return here again.”

1. Where was this mystical castle?
a. It was next to the king’s palace.
b. It was in an island
c. It was deep in the woods.
d. It was in the Nourthern province.
e. It was in an imaginary palce.
Answer : C

2. What did they call this castle?
a. A haunted castle.
b. A ghost town.
c. A castle of one-thousand mirrors.
d. A castle of one-thousand reflections.
e. A castle of one-million voices.
Answer : D

3. According to paragraph 2, who visited the castle?
a. An angry young man.
b. A pleasant and happy young man.
c. An old lady.
d. A group of merchants.
e. And old man and his son.
Answer : E

4. What did the young man say when he reached the castle?
a. He said that it was a beautiful place.
b. He said that it was a wonderful place.
c. He said that it was a great place.
d. He said that it was like a place in heaven.
e. He said that it wasn’t as beautiful as he thought.
Answer : A
5. According to paragraph 3, what did the young man do?
a. He tiptoed into the castle
b. He walked into the castle and sat on the ground.
c. He put on a helmet.
d. He put on a jacket.
e. He took off his baseball cap and scratched his head.
Answer : E
6. What did the young man seeanside the castle?
a. He saw God.
b. He s aw a devil.
c. He saw his grandmother who had passed away decades ago.
d. He saw one-thousand happy young men.
e. He saw a lost soul.
Answer : D
7. How do you know the firsy young mang was happy with the palace?
a. He said that it was a wonderful place.
b. He said that it was a unique place.
c. He said that he loved the place.
d. He said that he wanted to live place.
e. He said that it was his dream house.
Answer : A

8. After this pleasant young man visited the castle, what happened next?
a. Another group of people wanted to visit the castle.
b. The furtune hunters wanted to visit the castle.
c. News about the castle spread to other villages.
d. The king issued an order to close the castle.
e. Some scientists wanted to visit the castle to do research.
Answer : C
9. What did the unhappy young man say about the castle?
a. He said that it was a lonely castle.
b. He said that it was a rundown castle.
c. He said that it was a condemned castle.
d. He said that it was the ugliest castle he had ever seen.
e. He said that it was a terrible castle.
Answer : E

10. Here are five sentences. Some are true, and some are fals. Write “T” for true and “F” in the boxes provided.
a. The castle that it was a lonely castle.
b. After years of traveling, the happy young man reached the castle.
c. The happy young man took off his cap and scratched his head.
d. The happy young man was unhappy with his discovery.
e. The unhappy young man swore that he would never return again.

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